As a Father

“over his children”

That’s how he was going to treat everybody under his command.

MAKE NO MISTAKE, by God he meant it.

“A tough, sturdy, valiant, weather-beaten, mettlesome, obstinate, leathern-sided, lion-hearted, generous-spirited old governor” was his description.

And they, “his children,” wouldn’t lift a hand in the end. No appreciation for his service — yeah, he wasn’t the nicest stern taskmaster around.  He had made too many enemies.  Ok, he was a downright Serious Jerk — but who doesn’t have some kind of fault.

Even though he essentially SINGLE-HANDILY had turned the colony around from a backwater, third rate fur trading post to a thriving jewel of a port, rich from the slave trade, such that the British couldn’t resist — they had to have that colony:  New Amsterdam.

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